Orange the Fruit ( die )

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Lmao man i deleted all my stories

What'd you expect

Me to leave them here for someone to steal?
Yeah no.

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  Orange the Fruit ( die )

For everyone who wants me dead!

Well, I don't want you dead, I would never wish death pain someone Zoe. Your still my friend ;v; I love chu

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

My 3rd grade is kindergarten. LITERALLY

My fifth grade class is h I g h s c h o o l

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

Aww people like my art

It's awesome! I love your art style!

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

I know Rylans weaknesses >:D

On the second day of school I plan to chuck a bag of Oreos at his face

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

Gift for pupperz

I know that but I just don't like saying " dudet " (or how ever you spell it hh ) it just doesn't sound right to me ;-;

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

My friends are fight again..

Hello there Zoe. This fight is because of me :( I could've calmed down the situation but failed and tried to be funny :(

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

New shirt style -w-

iiOMQ_soqhieii welcome to the real world

5 years ago   Reply