Macarooni | This account is dead

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Hey Macaroons. It's me, Umb. I won't really use this anymore but I will pop in and out sometimes. Anyways, here's where you can find me:
Tumblr: Macaroonster (new one since my other one is completely dead lmao)
Wattpad: Macaroonii
Instagram: MacarooniDoodles
Funimate: I don't use it lmao

367 Following     303 Follower

  Macarooni | This account is...

Please stop with the drama.

It's one of the reasons I'm losing interest

7 years ago   Reply
  Macarooni | This account is...


It'll be ok! Just take deep breaths

7 years ago   Reply
  Macarooni | This account is...


Oh, nvm. I'm going with my grandma -_-

7 years ago   Reply
  Macarooni | This account is...

sorry for being alive

If you do, they can help you back.

7 years ago   Reply
  Macarooni | This account is...

sorry for being alive

Everyone here loves you, Wish.

7 years ago   Reply
  Macarooni | This account is...

sorry for being alive

I give a sh*t because I love you.

7 years ago   Reply
  Macarooni | This account is...

sorry for being alive

You shouldn't be sorry! I'm glad you're alive.. -hugs-

7 years ago   Reply
  Macarooni | This account is...

A thing

I suck at shoulders, elbows, basically any part of a person, and eyes. IM TERRIBLE AT EYES LMAO

7 years ago   Reply
  Macarooni | This account is...

Read description

I w a s n ' t a w a k e . . . . .

7 years ago   Reply
  Macarooni | This account is...

I'm Unfollowing ThunderFox.

Gee, thanks. That REALLY helps with my low self esteem..

7 years ago   Reply