Katelyn (not active a lot so don’t expect anything from me)

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Katelyn (neko)
Flame (fire)
Marina (water)
Oreo (the bunny)
Catherine (warrior princess)
Stella (animal)
Sky( haunted doll)
Marry( Christmas doll)
Bailey (Fox)
Amy (wolf)
Dottie (demon)
Leah (mermaid)
Clover (snake)
Ashley (model)
May (goat ghost)
Mr.Fluffytong(hybrid:Demon,dragon,dog,and lion)

My Oc’s that are taken
Katelyn is married to Blindie
Dottie is going to marry scotch
Flame is with Mira
Clover is with Anna
Marina is in the friend zone with River
Whiskers and Boba are best friends
Sky is dating Ziro

(The rest of my Oc’s are single)

43 Following     34 Follower

  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: n-no your just bigger than I expected you to be..~~ *puts as much of his thing she can take in her mouth* ~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi clover

Clover: *snuggles up* mm *mumbles* warm~....

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi marina

Marina: oh ok! *gets her uniform and changes quickly in the bathroom* alright all set and umm c-can I have my jacket please?... I don’t want anyone else to know I cut myself...

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi Flame?

Whiskers: oh.... I’m really lazy then.. *pops bones* There we go much better! Flame: *lets go* w-what?! WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER?!?!

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


(Haha I know! XD) Sky: *sucks on the tip and rubs the rest to the best of her ability*

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Dottie: *kisses his cheek* when do you wanna go pick Isabella up?~ Kat: *blushes and let’s go* Big Bro your so silly! *giggles* Katelyn: alright you two how about you leave your mother and I alone so we can rest?~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: *licks the tip teasingly* lets see how long you last~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi Flame?

Flame: *hugs him* nuuuuuu!~ Whiskers: fineeee... *stretches*

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi marina

Marina: ugh.... huh? *sits up* what happened?.. *sees blood soaking through her sleeve* did I pass out due to blood loss?

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi clover

Clover: *sleepy* Five more minutes!~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Kat: *reflexes kick in and she pins Brandon to the floor* (like how the teachers pin yan Chan in yandere sim) [penny: *sniff* thanks *hugs back* Katelyn: *coughs* nah I’m fine h-heh Dottie: *blushes* ......AWW YOU REALLY ARE A PUPPY!! *starts to pet his head*

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


(Sure just give me a sec to do them) Sky: *starts to rub it with her hands* I wanna taste you before we start the real fun~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Dottie: Don’t be you look cute like that!~~ Kat: *runs to Alison* Mommy are you ok?! [ Milly: This is really entertaining to watch~ Penny: No it’s really scary! Mike: aww there wasn’t much blood but oh well~~ Karen: guys stop your going to make Kat start to panic] Katelyn: heh t-thanks for helping *acts really weak*

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: *takes his pants and boxers off* ... *stares at how big he is* Your so big...~ [is it even going to fit in?~]

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Katelyn: *puts clothes on as well and pretends to be hurt* Kat: *runs after him upstairs* Big Bro what do you think is going on?! Dottie: *looks at him* aww your blushing~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: *throws his shirt somewhere and starts to unbuckle his pants* ~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: *tackles him so she’s sitting on top of him* You know it’s not fair that you get to keep you clothes~ how about I do something about it?~~ *takes his shirt off*

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Dottie: hm~ true~~ *buries her head in his neck* Kat: hm? *ears perk up* Big Bro Mommy is screaming! Do we go help her?! Katelyn: I think Kat heard you~ know you have to come up with a excuse~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: [i don’t care!!~~ As long as you fuck me im fine!~] *tries to cover her breast out of embarrassment*

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Katelyn: don’t hold your moans there music for my life~~~ *goes harder* Dottie: *cuddles* I’m cold Kat: *stops* BRAIN FREEZE!!!

4 years ago   Reply