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Goodbye forever
I don't belong here
I don't belong anywhere people made that clear
I won't be on
I won't be on any kind of social media i have

12 Following     55 Follower


-is scared up,ear is torn off half so is arm-

Okay then give me a minute or a few

6 years ago   Reply

-is scared up,ear is torn off half so is arm-

His name is Tyler if you want I can ask him to comment on here so you can apologise to him

6 years ago   Reply

-is scared up,ear is torn off half so is arm-

Okay I just wanted to make sure cause a decent amount of people has been some what trying to get with me. So yeah and sorry for what?

6 years ago   Reply

-is scared up,ear is torn off half so is arm-

-anyone trying to steal me from them. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner if you have feeling for me then I'm sorry cause I'm with someone we can still be friends tho

6 years ago   Reply

-is scared up,ear is torn off half so is arm-

So please don't be upset or anything we can still be friends. But I'm dating someone and they're really really special to me I don't want to leave them or anything. And they got a little mad about the whole cuddling thing that you did. They don't want any

6 years ago   Reply

-is scared up,ear is torn off half so is arm-

Okay. And I have something to tell you

6 years ago   Reply

-is scared up,ear is torn off half so is arm-

No I can't a drawing doesn't help that much. Did someone hurt you. And sorry if it takes me awhile to get back to you my tablet isn't giving me notifications

6 years ago   Reply

I don't know I'm bored

Rain are you okay and sorry I didn't get the notification

6 years ago   Reply


Oh well I hope it gets better and better. And it's not a bad thing that you feel better when talking to someone (in this case me) *pets your head*

6 years ago   Reply


*smiles a little* so how's your day going so far?

6 years ago   Reply



6 years ago   Reply


If your thinking of quitting. Please don't

6 years ago   Reply

I'm bored

- sick of this. So please don't fucking talk to me again

6 years ago   Reply

I'm bored

Listen I'm done with how you make people feel "sad" for you etc I'm done with having to deal with you. Fyi you ruined our relationship. As soon as you brought up cutting I couldn't I have friends who do/did that. I'm sick of how you make me feel I'm sick

6 years ago   Reply

I'm bored

Okay why the hell are you telling me this I don't know who she is she has no part in this

6 years ago   Reply