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Goodbye forever
I don't belong here
I don't belong anywhere people made that clear
I won't be on
I won't be on any kind of social media i have

12 Following     55 Follower


Ell :3

You shouldn't get things like that said to you and I'll try to..

6 years ago   Reply

Ell :3

Okay. But you didn't deserve it (the thing I said to you)

6 years ago   Reply

Ell :3

Hey sorry I didn't get back to you my tablet died on me

6 years ago   Reply

Request 6

It's not okay and you didn't deserve it

6 years ago   Reply

Request 6

Tato I'm sorry about everything. About what I said about everything.. I screwed up our friendship..and I'm sorry about that

6 years ago   Reply

I don't know I'm thinking of stopping

-i want to or feel like I should but right now I don't want to and I don't feel like I should

6 years ago   Reply

I'm not loved anymore

Midnight (if it's okay if I call you that for short) don't say that

6 years ago   Reply

I don't know.

I don't abuse my animals tho. Hack I can't even deal with hearing an animal passing away

6 years ago   Reply

I-I feel so loved!..

No problem I'm always here for a friend

6 years ago   Reply

I-I feel so loved!..

Okay. Just know if anything happens you can tell me. I'm here for you and I'm here to help you as much as I can

6 years ago   Reply

I-I feel so loved!..

*hugs you* are you sure?

6 years ago   Reply

I don't know

*yawns* woof

6 years ago   Reply

I don't know

*smiles a little bit* woof

6 years ago   Reply

so many of my fiends are depressed...-cries-I-I don't want that...

I really am. If I could i would choose to not have depression

6 years ago   Reply

so many of my fiends are depressed...-cries-I-I don't want that...

I do have depression. I don't want that to hurt anyone not you or anyone. I was just really sad last night and I had to draw something to get it out

6 years ago   Reply

For someone who's very very special to me

Thank you rain. And I hope he does

6 years ago   Reply

For someone who's very very special to me

Thank you. I have no idea what their (the person this is for) reaction is gonna be when they see this.

6 years ago   Reply