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YouTube no work no more ;-;
It still works for me XD
R.I.P watermelon
I like the melon its cute gold star!
The mango
Gotta go fast
Its cute, vut makes no sense of how he is dlying in the air while running other than that its awesome!
Okk i did it when i got jump scared my fav is funtime foxy
I got a new dog what should I name it? (My original dog is not dead just so ya know)
I have 3 names in mind! 1. Is scruffy 2. Is spot (if he has spots) 3. Fluffy. I hope you like my ideas/names
No offence...
It's good but weird to think that the girl is only wearing shorts and no shirt... so it's a little weird and too fast but I like it other than that...
Build a snowman
It's so cool I might make one like this lol but way different ok anyways I think next time you should add more bottles to make it way more cool and awesome!
A sad story
I try a Jurassic word
Is that supposed to be my username? Just asking
The happiest world ever!
Bendy VS Cat
It's good but next time can you color it but other than that it's Awesome! Gold Star!
Bouncing Ball
Its good! But i think you should try something harder because you're great! And I think you need something harder anyways gold star!
No one enjoys my animation content...
Is that a yes or no... :/
Howling wolf
Sorry i lied i did 300 stars sorry couldn't hanld..
Awesome! 250 GOLD STARS of i can even do that...