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Discord: tiredoats

Tired youth reaching disdainfulness

14 Following     886 Follower


☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Everything will be okay, even if it doesn’t feel that way, it takes time to feel okay and it’s okay to not feel like you’re okay, just let yourself feel the motions and take time for yourself

6 months ago   Reply (1)

Huff… I don’t really enjoy art anymore…

I know I’ve been off and this will likely be last you hear of me due to me sending this through the website, but I want to tell you something, it’s okay to need to vent and it’s okay if you don’t like art as much as you did, sometimes even the best things in life come to an end but it’s not forever, you might need a break from doing art in a way, and you may stay because it has good memories here for you, but don’t stay for everyone else, stay for yourself and if you don’t like it there’s no wrong in leaving it

6 months ago   Reply (1)

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Do not regret the time we spent apart instead be happy we were here at some point

6 months ago   Reply (1)


Z: watch out for any barbed wire traps

9 months ago   Reply


Z: a lot of green, huh?

9 months ago   Reply

Rp or something with whoever

Luci: lovely *he tapped around before finding an exit and left first*

9 months ago   Reply

Rp or something with whoever

Luci: thanks, now where are we?

9 months ago   Reply


Z: *he shrugged it off walking with you*

9 months ago   Reply


Z: *offered you a hand to hold *

9 months ago   Reply

Rp or something with whoever

Luci: *tapped the ground a few times before whacking you with the cane*

9 months ago   Reply


Z: wanna join me?

9 months ago   Reply


Z: *slowly walked over* hey! Glad to see you out today

9 months ago   Reply

Rp or something with whoever

Luci: *he picked up his cane, his hands were bloody*

9 months ago   Reply

Rp or something with whoever

Luci: it also hurt, warning next time? You did push a blind man off a cliff *he felt around with his shoe before finding his sunglasses putting them on before fully turning to you*

9 months ago   Reply


Z: *he waved seeing you*

9 months ago   Reply


Z: *going off to the more green parts with a rifle *

9 months ago   Reply

Rp or something with whoever

Luci: well that was fun *he jerked his head around to look at you sensing you approaching*

9 months ago   Reply