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“Death before dishonor”

Greatest Upload Incoming:
Elon Musk Smoke’s Weed (a theater near you)

Hi I’m Efrain!
But I Also Go By ¡GuyMakesComics! (¡GMC! for short)
Joined AnimeMaker July 18th 2019 2:42 PM
The Hub For Entertainment On AnimeMaker
I’m 17 years old and 🇺🇸🇸🇻
Yo Hable Español tambien!
Drama free.
Discord: Efrain_The_Name#5864
Favorite Single celled Organism: Ben

List of ¡GMC! Classic one liners:
“Oh Balls.”

Animes Coming out in the Future:

Elon Musk Smoking Weed
Jackie Chan Vector
Marlin Monroe Vector

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