Mini muffin

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Hey! You! Yes you!! Yes you reading this right now!!1!
Go check out new file his arts rlly cool:D
He also has an alt now called new program
And you should go follow that to


hi my name is mini muffin! I'm an amateur animater and artist, I hope you enjoy my content :3


•some fun facts about me•

•I am trans masc and would prefer to be referred to as such 🏳️‍⚧️
However if that goes against your religion Im ok with you not doing so as long as you still respect me as a person ^^
I'm pretty sure I'm aroace but I'm still figuring it out :'D


•My birthday is February 12th!! :3


•My favorite animal is bearded dragons, I have one irl and her name is Clementine, but you might know her better as liderd
(Yes she is real, she just doesn't actually have powers lmfao)


•My favorite meal is spaghetti with ground beef, not meatballs >:[


•My favorite things to do are draw and cook since their both good distractions when I'm stressed out and they make me happy ^^


• here's some of my friends you should check out


🐾Leela+ Peanut🥜


Zoe/random 🎉









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