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I’m socially awkward. I want emotions to go away. School to just a pit of despair, we all know it. P.S. I’m a terrible speller, most of these words I’m righting are correct because of auto correct. Thank you for making everything perfect. Anyways, let me tell you a little about my self, I guess.
1- I hate when people don’t use grammar in text. Example: “Where u @ bro im hear @ the partay waiting 4 u” instead they could have said this, “Where are you, bro? I’m here at the party, waiting for you.” It’s. Not. That. Fucking. Hard.I’m okay with people saying bro by the way.
2- I get ticked off easily. Example: Someone just called me ugly. BOY OH BOY ARE THEY GOING TO HAVE AN EXPERIENCE. My response, “BITCH PLEASE. I WOULD DATE DONALD TRUMP THEN YOU. AND DON’T GET ME STARTED ON YOUR FUCKING TOPEE. IT’S EVEN WORSE THAN DONALD TRUMP’S HAIR.” I would just spurt out random insults.
3- I have serve depression. FIGHT ME.
4- I’m a IN-DE-PEN-DENT woman. But, I don’t give a fuck what gender you want me to be. I could be a unicorn for God’s damn sake.
5- Life just sucks for me. There. I said it.
6- I’m pansexual for all you ladies, dudes, and whatever gender you want to be out there. ;)
6- I HATE emojis. I like emotions instead. Emojis are not showing us feeling, it is showing us how UNPROFESSIONAL PEOPLE CAN BE! I MEAN, COLOR, IN A TEXT! HOW BLAND! >:(
7- I have a disease of weirdness. If you follow me, you will surely(?) catch this. Just a warning.
8- I’m into anime. -.- Judge me hoes. Favorite: FairyTail, Your Lie In April, and The Seven Deadly Sins (ELANA X BAN)
9- I’m into to shipping. I’m not one of those crazy shippers that read on how their ship has sex and stuff. •~• Okay, Maybe I am.
10- I curse. And this may not be a PG account because there is the word “sex”, as in the act. So yeah, not PG kids! So fuck off.

And that is all. I’m tired. So I’m going to bed at 7:24 AM. Oh god, I stayed up all night. This is going to hit me in the ass when I wake up. #NotGoingToChangeThisEnd

Joined: January, 21st, 2018


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