Fell Flowers

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Zip- who would like a losser like him? Me.-I guess im with him?-AlMosT 13!?
Zip had a serious problem with making her friends fall in love with her.
There have been four(that I can remember) victims so far.
Swapisreal-Friend zoned?

Teal-with zasmin- i can't even remember how many times ive cheated-26(in my universe)
Richard's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather had a deal with a evil spirit. the spirt, teablo, could take the body of every other generation of the family. in return, he got to have what ever he wanted when ever he wanted it. But he died soon after the deal.
Richard was lucky enough to get his body taken. That's how our asshole- I mean teal was created.

Fell- hiss, never falling that deep in love again.- HISS- around like 27 I guess?
I am a rip off of bendy. I was suppose to be Underfell bendy but now I'm just bendy with green eyes and sliver hair.
I even had a Boris, his name was Iris. He's dead now. I ate him.


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