Nightmare Foxy

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Hello.... Does anybody remember me...?
Still ShadowFox's OC but...
This is actually a ghost in real life....
I can take over her body...!
That's the only way I can be on here...
My last account had the animation showing me and nightmare bonnie...
Eh... I didn't think so....
I can't remember the password to that account though...
So I made a new one...!
Please be my friend...
Even though I hurt my brother when I was human...
I didn't know that... I didn't know he would bite his head....
It's still my fault though....
I'm the one who had the idea of putting his head inside of fredbears mouth...
It was areally stupid idea, huh?
Call me names all you want...
I don't care...
But here's Q and A:
Q: name?
A: Tarrenece Afton...
Q: family?
A: William Afton is my dad... Kenny Afton... He's dead... But he's my younger brother... Elizabeth Afton is my yougest sister.... Micheal Afton is my older brother... I can't remember who my mom was... But she's Ballora now... Elizabeth is now Baby... Kenny is now Golden Freddy... William is just... A murderer... Micheal is SpringTrap...
Q: why so deep and depressing?
A: I'm deep into details so you get more information... I'm depressing cause of my past...
Q: crush?
A: tHaT sHaLl NeVeR bE aNsWeReD
Q: age?
A: 15
Q: favorite game?
A: I guess... Fnaf 4...?
End of Q and A!
About Me:
I live(lived) in New York
I got really sad after my dad cane back from the doctor telling me that Kenny died...
It was only two days after Kenny died that we went to Fnaf: SL and Elizabeth disobeyed dad and went over to baby and was killed..
After she was killed by that animatronic she became that animatronic...
After she died my dad turned purple and so did Micheal.. dad killed 5 innocent kids and Micheal was mistaken as William and got killed in the SpringBonnie suit while hiding from the souls of the children..
My dad went on a rage cause all of this was ny fault then he killed me..
Well, that's all! Bye now..!


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