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Greetings ! I'm Anwii! Some friends call me Dream .. so well..eh XD :3 u can say I build my own fantasy myself.. ^-^' eh..that's why I can draw..

♡Friends~ @BATIMFan @EVILpikachu

♡:3 Question People Asked Me..:

Question- :O HEY do you go to college to practice animating
Answer- :O..I would...If I was in college

Question- How old are you
Answer-.. I can't say, my mother told me to not tell strangers ..I'm sorry

Question- Can I be your friend?
Answer-Everyone is my friends!

Question- Who do you call a person that is stuck in the snow
Answer-... this isn't a question..but SNOWDIN! :3

Question- Hey, So..Are you copying
Answer-??? :O wait whu..

Answer-.. I would if I could..

Question-:-; Can I Ship You With Some Of My Acc
Answer-... :^; if it makes u happy..I guess
Thank You My a Followers!
♡-v-.. I am depressive at times.. .-. ..so don't worry of my looking sad.
:v; Wellllllllllll ye, I am the worst, and I know


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