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I am finally preparing to finish my series, and then make normal animations. Anyway, here's some stuff about me.
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Favorite Animal: Wolf
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy, Pokémon, basically any game with turn-based combat.
Hobbies: Playing Minecraft, animating, being an introvert.
Dreams For The Future: Hmm... Never really thought about it. I guess maybe animate a TV show.
Favorite YouTubers: TheOdd1sOut, SomeThingElseYT, Jaiden Animations
Favorite Band: I love Led Zeppelin
Favorite Movie: Jurassic Park
Favorite Anime: My Hero Academia
Ok, last one.
Favorite Block In Minecraft: Dedotated Wam
Ok, for real.
Favorite Block In Minecraft: Diamond Ore. I'm lost in a cave, about to give up hope, but then I see diamonds, and then all hope is restored. As I build a bridge over the lava to mine the diamonds, I hear a familiar hiss. "Aww man!" Those are the last words I utter before smashing my controller into oblivion.
Ok, I don't actually break my controller, but the whole experience breaks my ties with this game for the rest of the day. Then I play Pokémon Sword to try to beat it. I'm pretty far into the game. So, anyway, I hope you didn't go through the trouble of reading this entire bio, but if you're reading this, you definitely did. Anyway, I hope you learned a bit about me, and, as you can already tell, I love stick figures. First off, this is a 14+ account, so I might occasionally say a swear word. Anyway, that's about it. Of you read this whole thing, you deserve an award. Because, honestly, I don't know why you wasted your time doing that. Also, I was surprised you even cared enough to read this. I just don't make good content. I can't draw well, so there goes my dream job. Anyway, I'll probably end up being a gaming YouTuber and never make it past 1K subs, so there's honestly no point. Congratulations, you just wasted 5 minutes of you're time reading this! Now go watch some quality content creators like MinerMaster. Go! Get out! Leave!
Anyway, here's something sad. My parents are getting a divorce! And perhaps one day, the truth will help you find peace. No, not peace, peas. Lots of delicious peas. Firemaster's own brand peas! Come to the countryside! We've got fields of peas! All around! Cut to a farm that has the crops in the shape of a Yin-Yang. Or a peace sign, or the hand gesture for a peace sign. (Begins to laugh uncontrollably, but then stops.) Or a thumbs up. So, one guy is flying his plane one way, and he's like, "Hey, a thumbs up!" And then another guy is flying his plane the other way, and he sees the thumbs down, and he's like, "... F*ck this place!" And then he just bombs it. Ok, there you go! That's my story of how I got rich being a pea farmer! Now I have to start
making quality content. That's going to be rough. Well, that is my entire bio! If you read the ENTIRE thing, I feel truly sorry for you, just like I do for the people whose favorite video game is Club Penguin. I'm... I'm kind of a sad person, but I always appear all happy, but I'm not. I hide that from people, because im more of an introvert, like I stated before. But my main goal is to stop letting life get me down. So, anyway, that my whole bio. Don't read any bios like this ever again, or you will spend hours trying to reach the end of it. Now go watch MinerMaster or something worth spending your time doing, such as creating your own content! Anyway, bye. Have fun watching my unbelievably bad series!


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