♧|Ideal Potato|♧

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Hi there
Uhh don't really know what to say even though I just said something..
I'm confused.
I like potatoes
And pizza
And verbalase
And healthy foods
I like fnaf and baldi and more
I haz kids

I wants friend
im not literally a potato thats ideal
im a real person
좀ㅅㄴ 쟈고 미ㅣ ㅐㄹ 소ㅑㄴ ㅅㄱㄷㄷ ㄱ드ㅐㅊ미 ㄴ샬ㄹ? (whats with all this tree removal stuff?)

mr stark, I dont feel so good.. *disintegrates*
Bye ☆□☆


16 フォロー中     5 フォロワー