•Itz_DaniXD_ Here :3•

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Hello! My name is Danika, But just call me Dani or Dabika or senpai if you would like. Pls like my animations and pics. Thank you Everyone ( even though i dont even have a lot of followers •-•)
So just please leave a comment if you like one of my pics and animations :D CRYBABBYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Who likes anime Hatsune Miku >:D Lol who likes Markipleir, PewDiePie, Aparri, If u dont know who Aparri is he is an animal jam youtuber. If you play animal ( i know its for kids ) My user name is Sealninja27! I know its a weird name •o- but if you buddy meh on animal jam i might not have anymore buddy space so XDDDDD WHO LIKES POKEMON SERIES XY?????¿¿¿ YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Srry if im crazy like this :DXDDDD IM SRRY IF I ADDD THAT PART LOL I HAVE 2 SENPAIS THERE NAMES ARE REECE AND LINDA MEH TWO BFFS THAT MEANS IM NOT GAY IM NOT GAY Rlly I need followers or ill be screaming like for a dayyyyyyyy :D lol i need a Q&A :L But im too lazy to do all the questions and answers :/ ~~~~ But here Only one XD
Q: Do you like FNAF
A: Yesh but i stopped XD But i still ❤️ FNAF ;o
a potato flew around meh room :3


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