Jolteongirl105 is a cringe.

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H-hi I am cancer- *BEEP* hi I am Jolteon. C-call call- call me Jolt. I like the dank memes. I am cringe so don't sub wait- *beep* don't fallow what is this Facebook? I have all da m8z I have no furry oc. I knOw ODD riGhT. My ocs are Sparky the blue boy. Zane da murder. Sky the gay. Red not the Pokémon one. Purple the purple one. Blue also the blue one. Eliza the one who died once. Bell and Ben the Angle bros. Zander the one who is questioning his sexuality. Edgy the one who has a baby Bendy but her boyfriend dose not know about him.
Awkward club
Me (the awkward leader.)
Diamondkitty1 (shines bright like a awkward diamond.)
Firelight (this awkward girl is on fire.)
Milkshake fireblast (her awkward milkshake brings all da boys to the yard.)
Nightsky (as awkward of the dark side of da moooon.)
Sky's relationship: Single...again.
Sparky's relationship: single.
Zane's relationship: single.
My relationship: one loves me...
Nightshade relationship: married to Bella.
Nightmares relationship: single.
Edgy's relationship: dating Zack.
Rose relationship: dating Slio!
Spirits relationship: single.
Echos relationship: single.
Bolts relationship: single.
Volts relationship: single.
Yellows relationship: dating Green
Blacks relationship: single.
Purple: dating Lavender.
Blues relationship: dating Pink
Eliza's relationship: Radical single.
Hunters relationship: single.
Goldens relationship: single.
Pastels relationship: single!
Red relationship: Dating Jason.
Whites relationship: single.
Todd's relationship: single.
History's relationship: single.
Ross's relationship: dating Edward.
Q: do u like anyone-
A: nope.
Q: U have a senpie?
A: I have none. :<
Q: fav food?
A: cola/Coke.
Q: are u really a jolteon?
A: no. Idiot-
Q: where do u live.
A: on Earth.
Q: memes?
A: dank.
Q: Age?
A: yes.
Q: do you have fandoms.
A: Eddsworld, undertale kind of. Fnaf and sometimes Don't Hug Me I'm Scared.
Q: are you going to make any Joltsworld or OurTale things?
A: people will say I copied Eddsworld if I do anything for Joltsworld, as for OurTale....I might do something.
Q: do you have a crush on anyone?
A: fuk u
Q: do you have friends.
A: Yep.
Q: why dose no one love you.
Q: do u love me?
A: no.
A: no.
Q: do u have a Squip.
A: YES. His nickname is Blaze.
Q: who is your favorite youtuber/youtubers
A: the one and only Pyrocynical
Q: why are you cancer
A: becuse I am


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