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Hello! I'm 13 and this is a LONG STORY. (>-<)/ tick tock tick tock (O-O)/ A coOkiE!!! ◇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Eat your apples and respect ur parents. EAt YoUr PaRenTs AnD ReSpeCt ThE AppLeS.!◇◇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I WANT POTATOS!!! (♡O♡)/^~°•~~^ Name: Amy. Brother: Miner Master (dont let him know.., 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕put this on ur page if you have a bff💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕◇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OH HELLO!! The challenge is STILL on.!!✌ New Challenge: Draw ur oc and let him/her eat ramen!!! SOOOO....celebrate for Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!🎅🦃So ummm sometimes I'm bored...SOOO BORED THAT I CANT POST STUFF :/ >;( Yep....And I couldn't put the heart thingy from mocha but I still have a 💜
yea.......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please put my drawings to the Rank page ;( Please I'm not Popular;((((( wasp I'm sad◇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hewo! Anyone could come on my profile. Anyone. If your haters SWOOP AWAY!!! If teenagers are here like mocha, idiot and rin, your allowed!! If kids are here dats fine. If you have a crush on me put 💕👌 in ur profile. If you are my bff put 👭👬👫. If you are my hater dont put AnYthIng aT All. I love ramen and COOKIES!!! >:3 pls put me to Popular page :(((((( I'll do anything (even dares :( so ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I

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