Cheesecake|Fat lil potato|I eat to many sweets|Socially awkward|CryBaby|I like titties m8|

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Hello people! Welcome to my account. (Of cake puns)

.:Things about meh:.

1. I'm a piece of trash
2. I dont know what to put here
3. eedddggyyyy cat

"Q & A" Time!
Q: Do you like boys or girls?
A: I'm bi so yeah.....

Q: Do you have a senpai
A: i dont know....

Q: What's your oc's name?
A: The one I use mostly is Naomi

Q: What should I call you....?
A: Either Cheesecake or even Naomi

Q: How old are you?
A: The government won't let me tell...

Q: What YouTube song artist do you like?
A: (Omg) I love Ken Ashcorp so much


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