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There’s not much to say about me
My nickname is just Blank...

I’m now 12 and I’m 5’6
Please say they/them not he/him or she/her

My gender: furry

Random creepy facts about me:
I can gleek(not always on command though), I have atleast 3 dreams about animals every night, when I was little I would point at nothing and say “do you see what I see?”, I sleep walk, and I usually have the same nightmares twice every 2 years.

Likes: being home alone, potstickers, chai, boba, my bratty cat, drawing, sleeping, and the cold

My dislikes: talking to people, braces(which I have), my old school, cheeseburgers, rolblox, my hero Academy(other anime’s are fine), hentai sins etc, annoying people, being warm but only when it’s too warm, dreams, auitistic kids being made fun of, hugs, finger guns, incorrectly spelled words, people who call themselves pretty, being tall, my weight, my hair, my skin, my face, my stupid CREEPY toes, horror movies, musicals, demons, adults, being a retard, not knowing my real mom, the thought of hurting myself, and etc. were not getting into the other stuff—

I lIkE tUrTlEs

Oof oof oof

I’m trying not to be that person who has like 3 miles of stuff on their profile so you have so scroll down a bunch of crap to get to the drawings and stuff

If you don’t like me, type it here:

Haha you can’t type there so keep it to yourself—I don’t like dealing with haters


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