🍌TheBanana 🍌

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About me:
I’m a banana 🍌
I’m a professional theater kid 🎭
I love animation and drawing (obviously) ✍️
I will be on from time to time, but not super often tbh
I’m Jewish and Christian, so that’s why I might have stuff about Jewish stuff but also Jesus. so yea


Max (the guy with blue hair)
Species: β€œHuman”
Gender: male
Age: 17 and a half (idk y I put β€˜and a half’)
He is a wizzzard
He loves aminals, mehgic, science, his friends
I think I forgot to mention he was an orphan ;-; but whatever it’s not like that’s important to his character or anything, no pfffttt.. *sarcasim*

Species: elf
Gender: female
Age: 18 and a half (gosh darn it I did it again)
She’s this like gang type group leader, and they’re basically thieves so like... ye
She likens... stealing stufff...? Idk I’ll put something better here in a little bit

Species: Harpy (if you aren’t caught up on ur Greek mythology then um...)
Gender: male
Age: around 14 and a half (welp...I did it again)
He and his dad are inventors (woooah :0)
He loves music, and his friends and family, and... other stuff I’m sure

Species: human
Gender: female
Age: 17
Her late moms brother is the arch-duke (basically king) of this kingdom
She likes reading, writing, history, her family (especially her sister) and friends, I guess sword fighting. Actually idk if she likes that so much
She’s kind of a nerd lol
But she’s really cOoLl and PoPuLaR


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