OwO master

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Real name: Mia
Age: 12
Favorite anime: Ao No Exorcist πŸ’™

-musicals (a few)
-hunter x hunter
-Fullmetal alchemist
-hanako Kun
-one piece
-your lie in April
-devil part timer
-Minecraft you tubers Dream, Finn, skeppy, badboyhalo, A6D (idc about the Twitter drama I like his content and like him as an overall people and I don’t give a fuck if he says retard because my own brother is disabled he doesn’t care when someone says he’s retarded)


Fnaf (not really in the fandom but I like the games :p)

Blue exorcist (duhh)

Crush: none


(I may be straight but I support people’s sexuality’s and no one should treat someone differently for who they’re attracted to ❀️)


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