zero! sans (even MORE updated profile) (also help)

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Why is my name ........? Im... its a long story..... I can't explain it
Anyway my name had sans, and sans love puns and I got one for ya!
My profile photo is not a sans now its an alolan sandslash (pokemon) its an ice type
Now its more like Zero degree! Sans
Its not funny? Its ok

Also me in the future: hahaha thats cringe
Also me in 10 October 2022: Yeah past me, bad grammar too
Also me in 7 december 2022: nah that ain't cringe that's scringe. Also what the fuck am I doing with my life rn
Also me in 05:27 23 january 2023: i don't know man.... it got even worse
Also me in 19:11 26 February 2023: Am I addicted to VTubers now?


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