//Jenna// //The ugly Girl// =_= I'm a Creep

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Holo from the other Siiiiiiddeeeee,
It me Jenna wuts up?
Change meh username To have a new life heh
Meh informations

Name:Jenna did I told u that??
Age: 16
Likes: my sister/cousin, YouTube, minecraft,
Dislikes: Ppl bullying my sister/cousin, Haterz,
What I will do if u bully my sister/cousin
*i will tell that u are a bully
*I will tell my friends to hate on you
*I will report all ur animus and message The creator to ban u

Done from the information
That's all u need u know
Roblox: cupkakequeen_4
Animal Jam Play wild: Kawaiipotato
That's it for now Bye bye (I fucking hate my life)


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