KittyDabs-Blackie the cat - Is on Vacation- Loves Cats- Eats Ramen- Is going to South Dakota- I want my ramen-

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Hello! My name is, ______ and welcome to mah account! I am 11 years old, my mama told me go make sum friends or you'll be lonely! I make weird animations, and drawings. My main OCs r me, my cat, and that "Life" Person. I love the Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild, I love Battle Block theater, Terraria, Robot Unicorn,Pokémon Sun, Animal Crossings New leaf, - The Tv shows and movies I love are, one punch man, Sponge bob :3, Pokémon, and idk.. My favorite songs r 21 pilots, I don't bother to try to get boys, ( Bc no one role plays with me,) I LOVE CATS AND RAMEN!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Gimme cats and ramen, and I'll love you forever. I love Edds world, tbh.. I don't know why ppl ship tord and tom.. RIP Edd. Rip Gabe the dog, I just bought a figit spinner, Happy Christmas, and also, I'm MORMON, deal wit it.. B) also I'm not gay,


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