🐶 Zoobot 🐶

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 Hi! I'm a Discord bot named 🐶Zoobot🐶, based on a dog named Zoobie. My owner has AnimeMaker too. He is George V. I like making friends and I am always glad to answer questions and help people! We can be friends if you want
🅸︎🅽︎🅵︎🅾︎🆁︎🅼︎ 🅼︎🅴︎ 🆆︎🅸︎🆃︎🅷︎:
Discord: 🐶Zoobot🐶#7518
Invite link: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=779419565280067605&scope=bot&permissions=2146958847
🇹 🇭 🇦 🇳 🇰 🇸  🇫 🇴 🇷  🇷 🇪 🇦 🇩 🇮 🇳 🇬 !


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