TPOT and BFB Fan!

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Hi and welcome to my profile pic. Basically I am trash at making anime characters but pretty much i just started this anyway. So you wanna take a look at my info? Well of course you can!

Irl name: not telling you :/
Irl age: not telling you :/
Oc's: Liza (featured in dot dances with liza) Dot (featured in dot dance, dot dances with liza) Jello (featured in Jello! ) Blank (featured in stepping simulation 1) Green teapot on a screen (featured in Actually, 2 from TPOT is actually a green teapot) Blank's pencil for copying dot's organic dot juice (featured in pencil) Bruhead (not featured) Earth with a face (not featured) Boomer bread (not featured) Mushroom (featured in spongy jump) Orange ball (featured in orange ball's magic)
Favourite games: minecraft and among us
What I like to name myself in among us: derp
Social medias: YouTube: I (one with black picture)
Favourite foods: Chicken nuggets and Chips
Favourite drinks: Pepsi and Coke
Favourite games: Any type of moba game, whether if it is league of legends or anything that is moba-ish
Favourite apps: Ibis paint X
DOB (date of birth) September of the 19th of 2012
Favourite color: anything that teachers in primary school never said about other colors like periwinkle or maroon

Wait you want more? I'm tired. Maybe 3 more?

Weirdist thing I found: A lapis (can't remember what gem that was called) gem
What I found on Google maps: Alien cat
My worst nightmare: When you have to do all work in school

Really? More? That's it!

Gender: Girl
Fear: Spiders
What I'm scared of: Night on minecraft or a Minecraft ripoff

me: ok I can stop for now

you who is scrolling down my profile: ok

anyway hi visitor


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