Bloodposter (leader of hallownest)

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"Holy god in a silent shell,
Given nail and named a knight,
Bound by nail and spell and egg,
Hear our plea! Reveal the light!"
-prayer to the knight
Falsehood: beat the false knight
Test of resolve: beat hornet in greenpath
Respect: beat mantis lords
Illumation: beat soul master
Execution: beat the traitor lord
Obbsestion: beat the collector
Rivalry: beat zote in the colosseum of fools
Dark romance: beat grey prince zote
The hollow knight: beat the hollow knight and absorb the infection
Void: remember the past and unite the abyss
Sealed siblings: beat the hollow knight with hornet by your side
Dream no more: beat the radiance and bring peace to the abyss
Brotherhood: beat the pantheon of the master
Insperation: beat the pantheon of the artist
Focus: beat the pantheon of the sage
Soul & shade: beat the pantheon of the knight
Embrace the void: beat the pantheon of hallownest
Hallownest: achieve all the achievements in hollow knight
Pale vessel: Bloodposter
Pale rogues: 🔥Fire🔥 and Jacen The Vessel


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