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End my suffering
The path of inner peace begins with four words,
🎵not my fucking problem🎵 ◾️〰️◾️
Also I love u guys. I FUCKIN LOVE U 😌💅
-BuLlYiNg? ThInK uR sO cOoL? ThE bOy u JuSt cAlLeD faT..? HeS oN a dIeT. ThE gIrL u CAlLeD uGlY...? ShE sPenT hOurS pUtTiNg oN mAkEuP hOpInG pPl wIlL lIkE hEr. ThE bOy u MaDe fUn oF fOr cRyiNg?.. HiS mOtHeR iS dYiNg. SeE tHaT maN wiTh tHe TeRriBlE sCaRs..? He fOuGhT fOr hIs CoUnTrY. ThE bOy u jUsT tRiPpEd?..hE iS aBusEd eNoUgH. ThE bOy U mAdE fUn oF fOr bEiNg bAlD?.. hE hAs cAncEr. ThE bOy yOu cAlLeD a WiMp?..hE iS aBusEd aT hOmE. 👉COPY & PASTE👈 If u have a ❤️-


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