Jake's Vent Account

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Thankfully, the account didn't delete

Hi, I'm Jake Mclean. This is my vent page where I release my emotions about the things that makes me upset, my father's passing, my paranoia or when I feel like I don't matter
I'm 17 years old, I have autism, horrible anger issues, super paranoid and an easy crier.

Rules and Notices:
1. If you are blocked that means I don't feel comfortable with you and you must respect that.
2. If my posts upsets you, it's not my problem. As a human being I'm allowed to release my emotions.
3. No I don't not cut, have thoughts of suicide or take drugs. Those don't help at all.
4. If you say something mean about my vents, I'll block you. I just want to release my emotions.
5. My emotions have nothing to do with my sexual orientation or gender.
6. This page will sometimes contain gore since I find drawing gore relaxing. ( it may sometimes be animal gore but I don't hurt animals irl 'cause that's abuse )
7. If you say something to comfort me and I don't respond, it's for two reasons. One, I'm not in the account and on my main. Two, I don't know how to respond to being comforted so I don't respond. I'm not being mean.
8. This account was not made for extra attention, clout or to make people feel bad for me. I made this account so I wouldn't vent on my main account.
9. If one of my vent post's makes it to the rankings list, I will delete it
10. My emotions also have nothing to do with my hobby


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