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Hello. Call me Mike. My brain is fried, and I am very mentally frustrated, and drained as of now, so here I am trying to relieve some of that.
I'm male, and only 15, and I want to work out.

Life in a nutshell:
"Oh, this is- this is nice, I, uh- This is the end, okay... Where exactly am I?! Um... Oh, grea- here's the song, oh good. Uhmmm, there's some things that are still unresolved here, guys! How- How do I get home? Ah- what do I eat?? Was... Rei my- my mom, or... a clone, or... hell- was this all in my mind? What- What's an EVA? Is that- sort of a Freudian... thing, er... um... am I real? Oh, hell- does the bus run through here? I mean, I'd like to go home now, but, um... oh, God, where's home? Okay, okay, okay. I mustn't run away, I mustn't... Okay I got that, good, okay. Now, if I were to run away, let's analyze that—where the fuck would I go?! I'm on a big blue ball!! Uhh, is this how you end a series? I mean, is this- where we go from here? Okay, the movie better sure as hell make up for this, I'm telling ya right now, 'cause I'm stuck in nowhere-land... You ran outta ink too, didn't you, you bastards?"

For those that are into this: Scorpio, An 5w4, ILI, and probably an B A L L.

Just leave the app if you are anyone who discriminates, ore are someone who romantizises things that is ablosutely disgusting.

This is an old account, and my old stuff/new stuff is cringe.

An novice writer. I am an enigma.

Discord: Eterniton#0137


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