☆•Lucky's Test•☆

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Hello and Welcome!!
My oc:Lucky she is a female blue dog!
My country / island:The Reunion Island🇷🇪🇷🇪(A French Republic🇫🇷)

10 subs✅(ill try draw all oc of my subs)
50 subs❌(try draw all oc of my subs? Or a contest)
100 subs❌(A contest)
200 subs❌(Q&A meme?)
500 subs❌(BIG thanks and a BIG contest)
1000 subs❌(I would like the most posts from my subscribers and a BIGGGG contest and BIGGGGGGG thanks)

P.s:I can speack French,English and litle German
and if you sub me I sub you back!!

Thanks for read that and good bye!!🤗🤗


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