ozora ivander maheswara

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Hi my name ozora i like draw πŸ‘πŸ‘
Tanks you................ ............................... follow me an like and followers I boys
15 followβœ”
20 followβœ”
25 follow βœ”
30 followβœ”
35 follow βœ”
40 follow βœ”
45 follow βœ”
50 follow βœ”
55 follow βœ”
60 follow βœ”
65 follow βœ”
70 follow βœ”
75 follow βœ”
80 follow βœ”
85 follow βœ”
90 follow βœ”
95 follow βœ”
100 follow βœ”
105 follow βœ”
110 follow βœ”


21 Following     42 Follower