Mystic the demonic goddess shapeshifter♡♡♡♡△◎○√¦©®™

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This is my other tablet and I'm going to be doing the same serious I'm sorry if you guys don't believe me but my other tablet it's gone haywire and I do not have any control over it it's probably because it's old or something just got inside but y'all need to believe me because I have no control over and it's really upsetting because I had 18 followers and I was really happy about it but please understand that some things just happen and you won't have any control over them if people know who I am and then know what I like then don't know it's me but other people will be like no it's not you you're lying it's very damaging to me because when it's really me it's very damaging and I don't like it so please believe me and yes I know it's difficult to believe me but please anyways out of the sad stuff remember to come down on my latest post and yes I will try to get a new tablet but this one is my tablet for now remember you can be Chara Sans papyrus anyone just ask!


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