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You can call me chomp or swirlystar but I think chomp is easier lol
Pfp by; No one
Pfp includes; Pidgeotto and Magikarp xd (Pokémon)
She/Zer idk how pronouns work but you can call me anything associated with "female" . <3
I am a Akrazon a creature I made up! : D
If you would like to make a Akrazon based oc please ask me first! ^^

~ If you are racist/sexist/zoophile (anything of the sort) please do not interact with me! ~
~ If you are homophobic this account may not be for you. ~

About me;
Age: 12
Name: SwirlyStar (SS) / Chomp / CC / Star... any name!
Gender: She/her (like I said, anything associated with "female".)
Species: Akrazon (custom species)
FT(Favorite things) : Food, family, DOGSSSS >:D
HT(Hated things) : eh to lazy, -,
Friends : none lol but I hope to make some!!

I have tons of oc's so I don't think they would all fit in this bio XD
Creatures I madedede
(Tigerette [Tiger-eht-eeh]; A Tiger with some extra arms and SUPER FLUFFFYYYYY)
(Akrazon [Ahk-rah-zon]; A raptor/protogen/???/dragon hybrid thingamabob. 0.)
(Rageuvonik [Rage-eeuh-von-ihk]; fluf)
I am a young musician/singer, artist, and a animator 1w1!!!!!
I'm currently working on a YouTube channel for you guys to see my stuffs, w,

Positivity pleaseeee <3
This is all very new to me so I'm trying my best!
I'm just exploring new animation/drawing platforms: 3333

whsdhrueuxf I love to art >:0!1!1!!!!!

I like these little emoji things I'm sorry if it's annoying -./-
May or may not be accurate


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