Yellow Hare ⚡🐇™(The Yellow Hare Club's Leader)

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*Created during the Mendoza Time*
Hello, I am Bonnie. I am the Yellow Hare Club's Leader. I born at 1987. I play any Pokémon app. But my favourite is Struckd. I have a phone and a tablet.
(Never ask me to follow you). I work at Pikachu the Hare's Sushi. My birthday is November 17.
Objective : do not be dumb
Country where I born: 🇰🇭

Favourite animals :
🐰Hare/ 토끼
🐰Rabbit/ 토끼
🦊Fox/ 여우
🐱Cat/ 고양이
🐶Dog/ 개

DON'T FOLLOW ME IF YOU ARE/당신이 경우 나를 따르지 마십시오

Copying is forbidden 📝🚫
Screenshots are forbidden 📵
I am EXTREMELY serious 😡 !

I will block all users who breaks these rules :
1 - No racism and no xenophobism because I am Russian-Korean
2 - Don't be a troll
3 - Don't ask me to follow you
4 - Don't make drama in my comments
5 - Don't talk about sex
6 - Don't "phish" me
7 - Don't leave strong language
8 - No plagiat
9 - Copy and screenshot prohibited

Please rate my animes in your comments :
🔴 = Very bad
🟠 = Bad
🟡 = Not bad
🟢 = Good
🔵 = Very good
🟣 = Champion .

Making anime:😁

What have I(if I sick):
Coronavirus: 🦠
Dizzy: 🥴
Head change: 🧠
Diarree: 🤮
Belly pain: 🩺
Hot: 🌡️
Cancer: 👨🏼‍🦲

I feel me:
Good: 😊
Angry: 😡
Sad: 😭
Sick: 🤢
Scared: 😨

You can ask me anything (example : Draw Araven the Jackrabbit or Draw Umbreon the Fox).
And also please draw fanarts for me !
I was created 17 September 2022.
All my followers are members of this club.

I am :
Female - Atheist - Hare - Korean - Electric
Personality :
Narcissic, murderous (a bit), organized, creative.

Follower Specials :
10 = Party
20 = Extra Party
30 = HUGE Party
40 = YouTube Channel
50 = Second Kenmaz account
60 = Scratch account
70 = Ultra Disco Party
80 = Ultra DJ Party
90 = Travel in Bali...
100 or + = Special Surprise !!!

Scratch account: PikachutheTronicHare

Don't copy my design.
Warning : Copyright (©).
Any Anime Kenmaz user who will copy my OC design will be punished.


5 Following     14 Follower