world History

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Guys follow me and I Follow u
I will draw everything that happened in this world

I'm from france, so bonjour
Je parle français, anglais et arabe
j'adore l'histoire c'est ma matière préférée

J'aime l'arabe et certaines chansons indiennes me suivent svp aussi je suis gentil je ne deviens jamais impoli

My pfp is a colored sketch of my face it's made by my freind's father, he is a very good artist, Well idk if u will like me or no but if u do like me then follow me and comment (ur nice)

Age- 18
Name- Liam
Freind- 🇷🇸Serbia🇷🇸
My country- 🇫🇷France🇫🇷
Language I speak- French, Arabic and English
Favorite song- enta habibi
Another account- mark
Follow serbia if u follow me😚
Favorite person- serbia
Favorite drawing by- serbia
I'm moving to India

Like goal - 5 likes per anime/Comme objectif - 5 likes par anime

Serbia is my bestie, follow her


أنا أحب صانع الأنمي وأهل أنا ، الجميع هنا رائع ، إذا كنت تفهم اللغة العربية فسوف تفهم ما أقوله


41 Following     49 Follower