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Hello, I am Nothing!

Welcome to the mind loop; where your disarrayed thoughts never end.

I have a odd obsession with the latin language. I also use drawing or writing as a outlet to express myself.

My age, gender and sexuality shall remain unknown.
If you are worried about pronouns: call me whatever you want(they/them, she/her, he/him), it doesn’t change who I am. I am simply me.

My main characters (Which are in my pfp) are both genderless, yet do take on either a more masculine(Caligo) or feminine(Vita) personality.
Vita: The dark furred, more cheerful one is known as “Life.” They do have evil intent at times, but is mostly calm and very playful.
Caligo: The light furred, more quiet one is known as “Darkness.” Unlike Vita, their evil intent is more hidden.. but it’s there.

Other characters -
(I’m too lazy to put them here rn.)

Habere lucem in tempore tenebrarum, donum est mentis;


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