I’m not human(Member of the...
I’ll do the first 3
and failing
Woah! An animation!
This is bad but I still felt like posting it so here you go
just suddenly gain a ton of energy and all of a sudden just punch something of throw whatever yo...
Love is a flower you have to let it grow.
I dunno why but I kinda like this
I’m just drinking some blood someone gave to me 🍷
This is joke btw
I had caffeine before bed, big mistake. CAFFEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!
A five year old just painted the mono Lisa but 1000000 times better and your like “How the fu... ...
And Cup O’ Coffee before you ask, yes I did steal your mug
The cow from Chick-Fil-A, eat more chicken. Is he 🥵 enough?
I’m not posting until my last few posts get more attention cause i’m stubborn like dat, also I wa...
Why u eat pop tart
Oh wait, no I’m not
like depression, cancer, diabetes, malária you get the point, and my mom said she’s going to take...