SanyTheKitten (member of cl...
And thank you
Thank you
I have no idea what I even created
Basically I always find myself not getting sad when I get insulted and it’s been lasting for 2 mo...
So in case you did not know, person named Bloody girl has been posting how a popular account name...
During school I painted my pointer fingers nail with white-out for no reason at all and I have no...
What did I just make?-
Sorry if some of you’re ocs looks like dog water though I kinda had a hard time drawing some of t...
Sorry if the hair looks a bit weird, I haven’t drawn hair on a male character in a while
I won’t be active this much today since I will be studying a lot because I got the flu for a week...
Sorry if it looks like dog water I had a hard time drawing the details
Yep it’s a expression
I need my therapist