Lava-Liz (will be sparsely ...
Kind of reminiscent to my old 2019 style ngl
Let’s see if I can learn to draw with my left hand
I wanna draw and animate but I can because my right should is injured grrrrrrrrrrrr
So I was in a car crash and now my collar bone is broken Plus three vertebrae are fractured. Y...
No Description
I wanna speed it up
Yo what up
A large bodied predator with the face of a coyote but the body of a bobcat and the size of a tiger
Mixed a Trex with, cat, goat, otter, bird
Based off of dragonwarriorcat’s epic fearndrawings
Bro I’m getting headaches added with this sickness hehehuwheheuejebdifodkaoapalak
I got stabbed TWICE I’m on my cycle And now I’m sick and nauseous with a headache This week...
I keep making excuses knowing damn good and well the simple solution to my problems is time manag...