SanyTheKitten (member of cl...
Idk why but I keep seeing my account not being there and I never remember my gmail
Don’t ask why I drew this; I just randomly thought of the idea
For instance, my curtain had some sort of knot or something in it when suddenly the knot unknotte...
I have been experiencing multiple weird noises such as stomping in my bedroom, someone bouncing a...
To be honest I still feel like I’m in February even though it’s almost July now-
Also I will b...
It now makes everything laggy and I end up having to restart my phone because it just freezes out...
Yesterday the sky was dark orange and red along with air quality on a level at 270-370
Also what did I miss?
She’s been doing this since the start of 6th grade and my brother keeps hearing her sing those an...
She once kissed a girl in my class on the lips too-
Also hi I’m back
*eats leaf cutely*