Could've done the other charcadet evolution (Armarouge)
Missed opportunity
Dawg can't stop saying "animemaker has stopped working"(it's prob my tablet LMAO)
Like it ain't ...
It's always the supporter who lives cause they late to team confrontations
( Just like me fr)
Dawg finally got a makeover "it's been three years" type stuff
Also the pd is going around searc...
Why do you always take the jungle when I already claimed it?
They're all built different, like i...
I really like this one so I repost :3
Back in my days
What a monster I've become
Update 1/20/2025 :Jokes on me
It snowed a ton
I saw a mosquito come into my room 💀🙏
Y'all u know my acc is dead right,
Bye byee
Getting rid of the app cuz it's @$$
You're better off w flipclip and ibis or capcut