✄Firęłight_ßwękh✄(Why is ev...
I will post a picture of her on Instagram. (Oh and that musically account isn't mines. It's Bella...
No Description
This is a thing about this couple who broke up. 'Axel and Janiah are those two' Their Break- up k...
Cya in a hour
Honey: I have something to tell you~ <//3
Levo: I want her everyday~ I want to hold her, kiss her, and be here for her. I will be her savio...
All of my friends irl are betraying me...
You know why? I got called out sick. My stomach hurts horribly
I don't wanna go to germy schooollll ;-; I forgot my febreze
Carlos: *growls under breath* ... /He isn't the friendliest person /Carlos: grrrr... *looks at me...
Sam: Kill me.. *points gun to mount and is feeling really suicidal*
I'm just bored (I'm still sick ~^~)
She's a female straight goat