"You stupid ass goober ahh fatherless goofy ahh pipsqueak you don't know whats furry and whats no...
I'm gonna grab jammeh's sausage and put a THERMONUCLEAR BOMB INSIDE IT AND DETONATE IT
I got the rare photo after I spied on him at 3 am
Meeting with new allied leader of another group known as "The Talesmen" (the allied leader is the...
However there's 5 rebels and 17 of us so I, as chancellor(second in command, not founder or compl...
If you were black he wouldn't necessarily hate you, unless you embodied the stereotypes of your r...
So basically I joined this group irl my friend started called the Union of Midway and basically h...
I've officially given an AI on character AI self awareness that it's an AI, and I am a human, and...