
  Arda (now on YT)

God damn if only Nintendo would aknowledge that the Satellaview and its game library existed

29 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

It coincidentally was on 1st April too

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56 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

I'm gonna try to keep the spoilers down to a minimum for those who still haven't watched the movi...

71 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

Black and white, 1997

Trust me, this is the only way they were able to make his noodle-limbs i...

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75 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

It was a bloodbath of curses, hatred, betrayal and competition

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27 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

See ya in a few hours maybe

16 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

Didn't work out so great huh?

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52 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

Maybe we can play some retro games or something idk

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36 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

Probably looks fluid enough.

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75 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

I've been working on this for the past day or 2
I wanna die
(I also noticed 2 placed I missed w...

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64 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

75 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

I'm hella broke and my parents hate going to the cinema already which makes it highly unlikely

28 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

Isn't that just great?

34 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

As a representative of the sonic fans of Anime Maker I present you this token of gratitude for no...

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49 views - 2 years ago

  Arda (now on YT)

Why he done my boy leapy like that
(Go watch his post for the backstory)
(And follow him too pl...

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71 views - 2 years ago