This sloth wanst sir.cheese to be their friend.sir cheese is very sad right now so hope this slo...
me:*sees air head*
me:*remembers commercial for air heads and eats air head*
idk if the boy i like likes me is my first crush....sooooo IDK....once i get a response...
both of my bff's lacy and evelyn are trying too see if the boy i like at my school likes me back....
so here is how it all started-it was my 7th birthday and my parents wanted to surprise me.they ta...
if you draw a sloth,and flip it to the sde,and make the leg hand around......actually im sure you...
if three different people say E ill tell the story of how someone ruined my life when i was 7 :<
imma regret this instantly.dont be too crazy OwO
think your lagging or i just forgot the phone?HAHA! well your not.and i didnt forget it .i just d...
agian,i had SOOOO MUCH FUN making this! :D
i had SOOOO MUCH FUN making this because i knew i would be making someone's day or night! and ...
im not supposed to have any apps on my laptop other than roblox and minecraft,so im not supposed ...
i think this looks cool tbh
soon i will post a back story to this so it will make more basically stitch is a creepyp...