
  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

does anyone like me gay posts lol also I still post them either way lol just wanna know if y'all...

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33 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

what should her sexuality be to?

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92 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

its snowing me is really hapy now :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
also ik the grammers bad i did that on purpos...

36 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

i wanna die right now :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

14 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

I didn't put flash warning cause I'm a d^ck -_____-

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38 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

I said crush wrong and it auto corrected it to drug lol

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44 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

so like I said I got a new Chromebook my old one was 2 years old and one of my classmates said I ...

30 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

i got a new chromebook my other one wouln't turn on sooooooooooo i got a new chromebook i miss my...

25 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

I have no creativity and i have no inspiration or ideas :3

I think its my best work yet 💜

30 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

Dont judje me pls im weird ok also my names greg im in a yt family and the guy calls his subs gre...

25 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

Just shaded a little its done on my phone so it looks like crap i was being lazy now I shall what...

22 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

This is kinda old it was ment to make fun of gacha heat and i made fun of a friend and said she l...

57 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

I'm steeling all of them lol 🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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28 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

thx so much T^T

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54 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

don't make fun of me pls -^-

20 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

I really don't know but this is wat I imagind lol -3-ll
if u didn't no or some reason it's a g...

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44 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

I feel like I wanna dieeeeeeeeee

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27 views - 3 years ago

  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

lol idk

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40 views - 3 years ago