This is pretty much a repost of my previous image, except I removed the other two dragons so it’s...
Here we have 3 dragons acting naturally in the wild, one stares into the campfire, contemplating ...
What do you think the ratio between users with long descriptions and short descriptions is?
Order now for just $999,999.99!
I’m not joking, all of the pictures I’ve made have had sketches that look similar to this.
I don’t even like fast food drinks.
I don’t think I need to say anything here.
I was bored and started messing with opacity and drag tool
Turns out making a Perfect square i...
I decided to challenge myself to draw a dragon using only geometric shapes
I immediately knew ...
Top 10 most create titles ever imagined
Anyways I started this like a month ago and never fini...
I may or may not have stolen this idea from @Mythic_Craft but I really wanted to draw the funny d...
I haven’t done a thing in a while
Here have a thing
I have returned
And what have I decided to create with my oh so precious time you ask?
Thank you Mythic_Craft for helping me with figuring out this new update.
I haven’t been posting lately and I’m probably not going to any time soon because of school work....
They are my one weakness!
No matter how many YouTube tutorials I look at, I can’t figure them ...