
  ## IRIS


9 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

"Are you sleeping"

You answer

"No im training to die"

11 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

Have so much in common

Its good


They'll never meet

6 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

"I had 10 chocolate bars and i ate 9,what do i have now?"

I dont know

Diabetes maybe?

7 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

"do you have a bathroom"
Bruh no we pee in the yard-

10 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS


Is danish for "poop"

Ur welcome

9 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

I am a skilled



In pointing out the obvious

And i speak


4 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

I wonder where i left my keys,

i wonder where i put mu purse,I wonder where my money went,


4 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

I said "nope, we all seem to enjoy it"

8 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

"Wow, what an ass"

Woman look at the man face and think the same

10 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

Roses are red
Violets are blue

A face like yours
Belong in a zoo

Dont u worry
I'll be ...

20 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

"Hey what u doing here?"
And im like
"Oh u kno,hunting elephants"

27 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

Or morning...
Or people...

15 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

Music:we have YouTube for that
Sport:there's a wii
Spanish:there's DORA
English:everything s...

13 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

The truth is that i dont give one shit about what there talking about-

8 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

Someone:what does "idk" means?
Me:I dont know
Someone:OMG nobody knows!
Me:really?B R O!

7 views - 4 years ago

  ## IRIS

12 views - 4 years ago